I love God
My Family...my Husband and 3 "Silly" kids.
Candle lit rooms
Warm weather and Sand under my feet
Art...I paint murals in my spare (Lol) time.
Oil painting class...
Cats...big and small. Although, I did get an Old English Sheep Dog. What was I thinking? He is cute though...in a "Big Bear" sort of way.
My favorite past times are coloring and swinging...I still love to swing.
Rain running down a window pane. Our old house had a tin roof. When it rained it would lull me to sleep!
I used to play the violin and cello. I should have never quit.
My favorite flower is a rose...pink of course.
I love the sound of crickets chirping and the sight of lightening bugson a summer evening.
I love interior design. Candice Olsen is my favorite...she can come do my house any day.
My favorite memory is Daddy putting us girls on the piano bench and playing "Amazing Grace". We'd sing along.
I have the best mom. She can sew anything. She always made my prom and homecoming dresses.
I can spend hours reading, sometimes until 2-3 am. Yikes!! Maybe that's why I'm so tired!
On April 20th, I'll have been married 21 years! Whoa!
My favorite verse that keeps me going is "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will keep your paths straight".
My favorite drink is TEA! Yummmmy!
I love to try new recipes and host parties.
My dream job would be to illustrate children's books.
Each year I yearn for the first signs of spring.
My new found joy (which I discovered while taking the dog out at 3:30 a.m. every morning) is to look up at the night sky when it is full of stars! It 's a sight that says...
"God is bigger than anything we can imagine!
Praise be to Him".